Monday, September 15, 2008

Using Multiple Plug Ins to create pleasing Painterly Effect

This original image was taken while I was sitting in my car at a stop sign at a busy intersection in Fletcher, North Carolina. I notice the red barn sitting slightly uphill across the street and thought I would take a quick snap shot. It was at a high sun time of day and I did not have time to set the proper settings on my camera. So it turned out to just be an average image a bit overexposed from the sun.

I decided to turn this into a painterly effect image. I combined two different plug-ins that I am currently using in Photoshop. One is Lucis Art and the other is Topaz Labs Adjust. I ran each of the plug in effects on a separate layer of the image. I then adjusted the layer opacity and blend modes to get the resulting image which came out much more interesting than the original shot. Enjoy!