Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sports Shot Artistic Effect with Lucis Art

I went to the Florida Gator-Kentucky Wildcat game in Gainesville, Florida On Saturday..I am never sure if they are going to let me through the gate with my Nikon D80, so I take my kodak point and shoot camera which has an attachable wide angle and telephone lens with it. I sit very high up in the south end zone, row 87. I took this shot when the band was on the field at pre-game and they were forming the state of Florida. It was a high sun time of day and the shots came out over exposed, along with the fact that my point and shoot camera does not take the sharpest image at a distance.

I did do some work on this photo in Camera Raw and photoshop...I then used this software program that I have called Lucis Art which creates some really interesting artistic effects on many types of different photos. But I have found that sports shots like these really pop after adding the whyeth effect and then trying out some of the different settings.
